What is Table Torque?

Hello and welcome to a new section here on the Knowledge Centre which we are calling “Table Torque”.

Table Torque will consist of the team at Buckingham Ford and Bicester Motor Company ‘Torquing’ about different motoring topics from updates within the dealerships, help with maintaining your car, motoring related topics in recent news, and sometimes just a general chat.

We have a few topics lined up for the next couple of weeks but if you have any questions or topics that you would like us to talk about and think that they will be beneficial to others, then by all means contact us via our different channels.

Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/BicesterMotorCompany

Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/BuckinghamFord


  • Tel. 01869 323272 Email – info@b-mc.co.uk


  • Tel. 01280 812121  Email – info@buckinghamford.co.uk


What is Table Torque?